My Vietnam military experience was spent as a section leader for the Fire and Direction Control for a 105 mm towed howitzer unit. We did the calculations for howitzers and directed fire to prescribed targets. One of our jobs was directing Harassment & Interdiction fire. “In 1965, the U.S. military in South Vietnam began conducting […]
Stop watching CNBC!
Over the last several years I’ve tried not to get into political discussions because the inevitably ended with discounting or derogatory remarks. I then proclaimed my posts mine with the statement I would share, own and appreciate my views of the world. That stated I moved to mostly posting comments from the Black media, informing […]
Black Economic Inclusion
For some time now I have been posting on Facebook videos from Dr Claud Anderson regarding PowerNomics, i.e., Black economic empowerment through Black aggregation. I’m relieved that there are young people who are beginning to understand that we need to move in that direction. As I do more research and try to make my blog […]
“Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.”
Juliet: “‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name […]
No Guns for Negroes
After a malaise of several months I’ve finally gotten back to my Journal. The following had been my original political statement for my site which I’ve now removed but submit again for my personal edification. At the risk of being provocative, I’m going to post a video produced by the “The Jews for the Preservation […]
Here I am now!
For weeks I’ve been trying to write a composite synopsis of my thoughts about the major news events engrossing the US public the last several months. First, I thought I’d write in defense of the second amendment and pounded out in excess of 2000 words outlining how I’ve came to my decision; but I sounded […]
Black and White
No matter how I couch it I am a black and white thinker. In that ideal world, men fall in love with women, wars are fought for principles, the constitution a statement of fact, no one calls the president a nigger, and the political parties are not bought by corporate money. Unfortunately, that is not […]
Maafa 21 Black Genocide In the 21st Century[Full Movie HQ]
James Murdoch evidence questioned by former executives
Evidence on phone hacking given to MPs by News International chairman James Murdoch has been called into question by two former executives at the firm. Mr Murdoch told the media committee he was not “aware” of an email suggesting the practice went wider than a “rogue” News of the World reporter. [Full article from BBC website].