After a malaise of several months I’ve finally gotten back to my Journal. The following had been my original political statement for my site which I’ve now removed but submit again for my personal edification.
At the risk of being provocative, I’m going to post a video produced by the “The Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership.” I am a supporter of the 2nd amendment because it bothers me that with all of the prattling about the 1%, “Occupy America”, and “Winner take all politics”, Americans don’t seem to make the connection between the paramilitary nature of local police, Homeland Security, and the level of control exerted by said 1%. Further, after 9/11, we have mislead our youth and middle class America to believe that our local/national security is best served at the risk of our individual privacy and rights. On another level, as members of a democracy we the cheered freedom protests of the Arab spring; yet we still ignore continued violence against minorities and the poor under the disguise of the “war on drugs”. The bottom line: whether it is in the US or in the Middle East is the final power for democracy must rest with the people not just a selected few.